After completing Exchange Server 5.5: Troubleshooting
the user should be able to:
 | Troubleshoot common problems |
 | Use NT troubleshooting tools |
 | Resolve upgrade problems |
 | Resolve installation and migration problems |
 | Resolve connectivity problems |
Basic Troubleshooting
 | Common network problems |
 | Failed network cards |
 | Protocol problems |
 | Network infrastructure problems |
Windows NT Troubleshooting Tools
 | Windows NT tools |
 | Windows NT managers |
 | Windows NT applets |
Resolving Upgrade Problems
 | Disk space |
 | Permissions |
 | Software version issues when upgrading |
Solving Installation Problems
 | Server and client installation problems |
 | Server installation |
 | Client installation |
Solving Migration and Connectivity Problems
 | Migration problems |
 | Connectivity problems |
This course is distributed with:
 | Exercises that allow users to practice with Exchange Server 5.5 |
 | A file containing the text of the exercises |
 | Simulations that allow users to practice course skills
even if they don't have access to Exchange Server 5.5 |
 | An Exchange Server 5.5 glossary |