Access 2000 MOUS: Building Tables shows users how to create and populate database tables in Access 2000.

This course is for anyone preparing for the MOUS Access 2000 Core certification exam.

2 hours

Product Code: A2KM02
After completing Access 2000 MOUS: Building Tables the user should be able to:

Explain the structure of a table the data types used in the table and the function of primary keys
Create a table using the wizard
Enter records into the table through a form or datasheet

Understanding Table Structure
Creating a table structure
Using Design view
Using multiple data types
Setting primary keys
Saving the table

Creating Tables
Creating tables using the table wizard
Setting a primary key
Data type options
Completing the wizard

Entering Records
Entering records using a datasheet
Using data entry tricks
Navigating records
Enter records using a form

This course has the following features:

Exercises that allow users to practice in Access 2000
A file containing the text of the exercises
Simulations that allow users to practice course skills even if they don't have access to Access 2000
A glossary
A Skill Assessment

Office 2000: Getting Started (O2KC01)
Office 2000: Editing Text and Printing (O2KC02)
Office 2000: Text and Document Formats (O2KC03)
Office 2000: Introduction to Access (O2KC08)
Access 2000 MOUS: Creating Databases (A2KM01)

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Access® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Microsoft and the Microsoft Office User Specialist logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.


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