Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Auditing and the Control Phase covers the following topics:
| Network penetration |
| Common targets |
| System bugs |
| Denial-of-service attacks |
| Combined attack strategies |
| Identifying attacks |
| Network control |
| UNIX and Windows 2000 file locations |
| UNIX passwords |
| Control methods |
| Back Orifice |
| NetBus |
| Adding administrative accounts |
This course has the following features:
| Exercises that allow users to practice in actual applications discussed in the course |
| A file containing the text of the exercises |
| Activities that allow users to apply course concepts in an interactive questioning environment |
| Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to actual applications |
| A glossary |
| A Skill Assessment |
| Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Security Fundamentals (CIWS01) |
| Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Attack Types and Encryption (CIWS02) |
| Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Protocol Layers and Security (CIWS03) |
| Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Firewalls (CIWS04) |
| Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Operating System Security (CIWS05) |
| Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Assessing and Reducing Risk (CIWS06) |
| Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Security Auditing (CIWS07) |
| Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Attack Detection and Response (CIWS09) |
| Certified Internet Webmaster Security 1D0-470: Auditing and Log Analysis (CIWS10) |
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