C in 21 Days: Week 1 begins with a basic explanation of C language components and quickly progresses to writing and debugging C programs. Sample listings complete with sample output and an analysis of code illustrate the topics of the day.

This course is for the beginning programmer or for the experienced programmer who wants to learn ANSI C.

10 hours

Product Code: CLGC01
C in 21 Days: Week 1 covers the following topics:

Day 1: Getting Started
Discusses why C is the best choice among programming languages. Identifies the steps in the program development cycle. Explains how to write compile and run a C program. Inspects error messages generated by the compiler and linker.

Day 2: The Components of a C Program
Analyzes the parts of a C program. Demonstrates the purpose of each program component.

Day 3: Numeric Variables and Constants
Covers how to create variable names in C. Explains the use of different types of numeric variables. Examines the differences and similarities between character and numeric values. Shows how to declare and initialize numeric variables. Identifies C's two types of numeric constants.

Day 4: Statements Expressions and Operators
Describes what statements and expressions are. Identifies C's mathematical relational and logical operators. Explains operator precedence. Introduces the if statement.

Day 5: Functions — The Basics
Examines what a function is and what its parts are. Reviews the advantages of structured programming with functions. Shows how to create a function and declare local variables in a function. Demonstrates how to return a value from a function to the program and how to pass arguments to a function.

Day 6: Basic Program Control
Explains how to use simple arrays. Demonstrates how to use for while and do...while loops to execute statements multiple times. Discusses how to nest program control statements.

Day 7: Basic Input/Output
Explains C's input and output statements. Illustrates how to display information on the screen with the printf() and puts() library functions. Demonstrates how to format the information that is displayed on the screen. Shows how to read data from the keyboard with the scanf() library function.

Week 1 in Review
Presents a program that uses the skills learned during the week.

Provides reference tables for the ASCII character chart C reserved words and binary and hexadecimal notation. Lists example programs.

This course has the following features:

Exercises that allow users to practice writing and compiling C programs
A file containing the text of the all exercises
Answers to the exercises
Sample program files for all program listings in the course
A glossary
A Skill Assessment

C in 21 Days: Week 2 (CLGC02)
C in 21 Days: Week 3 (CLGC03)

Borland C++Builder™ is a trademark of Borland Software Corporation.
Microsoft Visual C++® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
MinGW™ is a trademark of the Free Software Foundation.

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