E-Commerce: Resource Planning provides an overview of the resources and standards that need to be considered when preparing a strategy for an online business.

This course is for anyone who is interested in learning more about preparing a strategy for the future of an online business.

4 hours

Product Code: ECOM12
After completing E-Commerce: Resource Planning, the user should be able to:

Use e-commerce to plan company resources
Choose an e-commerce strategy
Recognize e-commerce risks
Identify and manage a company's knowledge resources
Identify the problems of the growing technological gap
Stay up to date on the latest technology
Recognize new opportunities for online content

Your E-Commerce Strategy
What is resource planning?
Tracking resources
Choosing an e-commerce strategy

E-Commerce Risks
E-commerce is not for the faint of heart
Making your company stand out

Knowledge Management
The rapid speed of technological change
Knowledge resources
Building a portfolio of knowledge assets

Changes in Technology
Technology "haves" and "have-nots"
The rising backlash against change
Do we really need to go faster?

New Opportunities
Convergence to the rescue
Ease of use standards
New knowledge models

This course has the following features:

Exercises that allow users to explore how a course topic applies to e-commerce
A file containing the text of the exercises
Activities that allow users to apply concepts in an interactive questioning environment
A glossary
A Skill Assessment

E-Commerce: Your E-Business (ECOM01)
E-Commerce: Getting Started (ECOM02)
E-Commerce: Influences on E-Commerce (ECOM03)
E-Commerce: Killer Apps (ECOM04)
E-Commerce: Developing Your E-Business (ECOM05)
E-Commerce: Real-Time and Data Mining (ECOM06)
E-Commerce: Lowering Your Business Costs (ECOM07)
E-Commerce: Customer Service and Payment (ECOM08)
E-Commerce: Marketing Your E-Business (ECOM09)
E-Commerce: Advertising on the Internet (ECOM10)
E-Commerce: Building Marketing Strategy (ECOM11)
E-Commerce: Managing Your E-Business (ECOM13)

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