HTML: Using Advanced JavaScript Techniques covers the following topics:
Cross-frame communication
| Working with nested frames |
The document Object
| The anchors array |
| The images array |
| The links array |
| Methods of the document object |
| The navigator object |
The window Object
| Properties and methods of the window object |
| The location object |
| Working with the Status Bar |
| Using colors |
Introduction to Cookies
| Definition of cookies |
| Cookies and HTTP |
| Cookies and CGI scripts |
Cookies in JavaScript
| How cookies are processed |
| Storing user choices in cookies |
| Cookie functions |
| Encoding cookies |
Using Cookies in JavaScript
| Presents detailed code listings for using cookies to create a news search page. |
| The parent frameset for the news search page |
| The main control file for the example |
| Examples of the web page output |
Strings and the History List
| Shows how to manipulate text strings and work with the history list. |
| The string object |
| Working with the history list |
This course has the following features:
| Exercises that allow users to practice creating Web pages |
| A file containing the text of the exercises |
| Sample Web pages and graphics for users to experiment with |
| Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to a browser or the Web |
| A glossary |
| A Skill Assessment |
| Basic computer experience. |
| HTML: Start Creating Your Own Web Pages (HTLC01) |
| HTML: Creating High Quality Web Graphics (HTLC02) |
| HTML: Layout and Design for Your Web Pages (HTLC03) |
| HTML: Making Your Web Pages Interactive (HTLC04) |
| HTML: Start Using JavaScript (HTLC05) |
| HTML: Using JavaScript for Interactivity (HTLC06) |
Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Netscape Communicator is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
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