Investing Fundamentals: Bonds explains how to choose and invest in bonds. Each type of bond (U.S. Treasuries U.S. government agency bonds municipal bonds and corporate bonds) is explained and the unique advantages and disadvantages are described.

This course is for anyone who is interested in learning more about the ways to grow their money by using bonds to diversify a personal portfolio.

3 hours

Product Code: IVFC04
After completing Investing Fundamentals: Bonds the user should be able to:

Distinguish between types of bonds (U.S. Treasuries U.S. government agency bonds municipal bonds and corporate bonds)
Determine the taxable equivalent yield for U.S. Treasuries and municipal bonds
Explain any risk factors associated with different types of bonds
Explain reasons for using municipal bonds in an investment portfolio
Describe high-grade and high-yield corporate bonds and how they fit into a portfolio
Explain the effects of rising interest rates on different types of bonds
Research and purchase different bond types

Introducing Bonds
The basics of bonds
Achieving bond maturity
Assessing bond volatility

U.S. Bonds
Types of U.S. Treasuries
U.S. government agency bonds

Municipal Bonds
The basics of municipal bonds
Munis — do they make sense to buy?
Calling munis

Corporate Bonds
High-grade corporate bonds
High-yield bonds

Researching and Buying Bonds
Obtaining online bond information
Exchanging or purchasing bonds
Treasury investing features

This course has the following features:

Exercises that allow users to explore how a course topic applies to their own real-world situations
A file containing the text of the exercises
A glossary
A Skill Assessment


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