After completing Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: Declarations, Flow Control, and Exception Handling, the user should be able to:
| Declare variables and methods making appropriate use of all permitted modifiers |
| Describe the significance of all modifiers |
| Identify correctly constructed variable and method declarations |
| State the legal return types for any method |
| Write code using if and switch statements |
| Write code using all forms of loops |
| Write code that makes proper use of exceptions and exception-handling clauses |
| Variable types |
| Declaring variables |
| Declaring arrays |
| Creating objects |
| Using this and super keywords |
| Declaring local variables |
| Scope of local and global variables |
Methods, Initializers, and Modifiers
| Declaring and using methods |
| Passing arguments |
| Using modifiers |
Flow Control
| Identifying Java statements |
| Using selection (conditional) statements |
| Using iteration (looping) statements |
| Using the break statement |
| Using the continue statement |
Exception Handling
| Throwing and catching exceptions |
| Using the throw statement |
| Using the try-catch-finally statement |
This course has the following features:
| Exercises that allow users to practice the skills needed to create Java programs |
| A file containing the text of the exercises |
| Activities that allow users to apply course concepts in an interactive questioning environment |
| A glossary |
| A Skill Assessment |
| Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: Java and Object-Oriented Fundamentals (J25301) |
| Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: Classes, Interfaces, Methods, and Garbage Collection (J25303) |
| Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: Threads (J25304) |
| Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: The java.lang Package (J25305) |
| Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: The java.util Package (J25306) |
| Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: GUI Components and Containers of the java.awt Package (J25307) |
| Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: Layouts and Event Handlers of the java.awt Package (J25308) |
| Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: Graphic and Image Elements of the java.awt Package (J25309) |
| Java 2 Programmer Certification 310-025: The Package (J25310) |
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