PowerBuilder 6: Creating DataWindows covers one of PowerBuilder's strongest features: DataWindows. It outlines the various data sources and presentation styles for DataWindows describes several DataWindows development techniques and demonstrates how to associate DataWindows with an application.

This course is for programmers who want to learn how to create DataWindows and attach data sources to them using the DataWindow painter.

4 hours

Product Code: P6BC07
After completing PowerBuilder 6: Creating DataWindows the user should be able to:
Create a new DataWindow
Choose a data source and presentation style for a DataWindow
Create a Freeform DataWindow
Create complex DataWindows
Use other data sources
Associate DataWindow controls with a DataWindow object
Run the application

Creating a New DataWindow
Introduction to DataWindows
Opening the DataWindow painter
Setting DataWindow options

Data Sources and Layout
Understanding data sources
Determining presentation style

Creating Freeform DataWindows
Creating the Item DataWindow
Creating the Customer DataWindow
Creating the Warehouse and Supplier DataWindows

Complex DataWindows
Creating Header and Footer DataWindows
Creating the Detail DataWindow

Other Data Sources & DataWindow Controls
External data sources
Using DataWindow control user objects
Associating DataWindow controls with a DataWindow object
Running your application

This course is distributed with:
Exercises that allow users to practice in PowerBuilder 6
A file containing the text of the exercises
Simulations that allow users to practice course skills even if they don't have access to the PowerBuilder 6 product
A PowerBuilder 6 glossary


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