Project 98: Project Administration describes how to use Microsoft Project to create new project files and administrate projects.

This course is for anyone who is interested in learning how to manage projects with Microsoft Project 98.

3 hours

Product Code: PRJC02
After completing Project 98: Project Administration the user should be able to:

Create a new project file
Add tasks to a project
Change the time constraints on a task
Link tasks to be dependent on each other
Assign resources to tasks
Manage resource use
Identify overloaded resources

Creating a New Project
Create a new Project 98 file
Set project Start or Finish dates
Create a Task List
Establish milestones
Insert and delete tasks
Set the project baseline

Managing Tasks
Link tasks
Create a recurring task
Establish task constraints
Split tasks

Assigning Resources
Improve the accuracy of your schedule
Define resources
Create a resource pool
Recognize and use the Resource Information dialog box

Managing Workloads
Improve the accuracy of your schedule
Define resources
Create a resource pool
Recognize and use the Resource Information dialog box

This course is distributed with:

Exercises that allow users to practice in Project 98
A file containing the text of the exercises
Simulations that allow users to practice course skills even if they don't have access to Project 98
A Project 98 glossary


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