Resumes: Starting Out with a Bang shows how to build the heading job objectives summary of qualifications and work history sections of a resume.

This course is for anyone who wants to create a potent resume that gets results in a job search.

2 hours

Product Code: RSMC02
After completing Resumes: Starting Out with a Bang the user should be able to:

Build a resume heading that gives all the necessary contact information
Write accurate and relevant job objectives
Create a summary of qualifications that makes the resume stand out from the crowd
Design a work history listing that shows off the user's experience

Designing the Heading
What's in a name?
Home sweet home

Writing Meaningful Objectives
Why you need a job objective statement
Wording your job objective statement
Breaking the rules
When not to use a job objective statement

Developing a Summary of Qualifications
Highlight your qualifications
Say it with style

Making the Most of Work History
Work history
Fighting age discrimination
Disguising employment gaps
Promoting your promotions

This course has the following features:

Exercises that allow users to practice the skills needed to develop a resume
A file containing the text of the exercises
Activities that allow users to apply concepts in an interactive questioning environment
A glossary
A Skill Assessment

Resumes: Choosing a Resume Format (RSMC01)


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