SAT Preparation: Practice Test 2 allows users to try sample SAT test sections and provides explanations for both wrong and correct answers.

This course is for anyone who wants to improve their scores on the SAT.

3 hours

Product Code: SATC03
After completing SAT Preparation: Practice Test 2 the user should be able to:

Take each type of SAT question with confidence
Analyze questions and choose the best possible answer for each
Explain how to arrive at each correct answer

Section 1: Math
25 test questions
Feedback to explain the right answer for each question

Section 2: Verbal
35 test questions
Feedback to explain the right answer for each question

Section 3: Math
25 test questions
Feedback to explain the right answer for each question

Section 4: Verbal
30 test questions
Feedback to explain the right answer for each question

Section 5: Math and Verbal
23 test questions
Feedback to explain the right answer for each question

This course has the following features:

A Skill Assessment
A glossary


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