TCP/IP: Data Delivery and Routing provides an overview of the processes involved in routing and delivering data through the TCP/IP Transport and Internet layers.

This course is for anyone preparing for the MCSE Exam 70-59 or anyone who wants to learn about how the TCP/IP Transport and Internet layers routes and delivers data.

3 hours

Product Code: TCPC02
After completing TCP/IP: Data Delivery and Routing the user should be able to:
Identify and describe the elements of a header
Explain the processes occurring in the Transport layer
Explain the processes occurring in the Internet layer
Describe the elements in an IP Datagram
Describe and demonstrate the subnetting and supernetting processes
Explain the differences between static and dynamic routing

The Transport Layer
Using headers
Establishing sessions
Using byte stream communications
Describing sliding windows

The Internet Layer
Explaining a subnet mask
Introducing routing
Finding another machine's address

IP Datagrams
Creating an IP Datagram
Fragmentation and reassembly of datagrams
Error detection and reporting

What is Subnetting
Determining addressing needs
Defining a subnet mask
Subnetwork and host IDs

What is Routing
Explaining routing
Static routing
Dynamic routing
Installing the Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

This course is distributed with:

Simulations that allow users to practice course skills even if they don't have access to a TCP/IP server product
A TCP/IP glossary


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