Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET: Getting Started provides an overview of ASP.NET and explains advances made over previous versions of ASP. This course explains the components of an ASP.NET Web form, then shows how to design an ASP.NET Web form using Visual Studio. NET. The course also explains how requests and responses are handled, and how application root directories are structured. The course concludes with a discussion of the role of HTML and XML in ASP.NET applications.

This course is for anyone who is interested in learning to develop applications using Visual Studio .NET.

2 hours

Product Code: VASP01
After completing Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET: Getting Started, the user should be able to:

Describe the evolution of ASP to ASP.NET
Explain the platform requirements for ASP.NET
Describe ASP.NET programming models
Explain what Web forms are and their uses
Create an ASP.NET application
Describe IIS application roots
Explain how HTML and XML work in ASP.NET

Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET: Getting Started covers the following topics:

ASP.NET Programming Models
Web Forms
Creating ASP.NET Web Applications
Designing Forms
Understanding Request and Response
IIS Application Roots

This course has the following features:

Exercises that allow users to practice in Visual Studio .NET
A file containing the text of the exercises
Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to Visual Studio .NET
A glossary
A Skill Assessment

Visual Studio .NET Overview series (VSTINT)
Visual Studio .NET Programming with Visual C# series (VPRGST)

Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET: Using Server Controls (VASP02)
Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET: Working with Validation and Composite Controls (VASP03)

Microsoft®, Visual Studio®, Visual Basic®, Visual C++®, and Visual C#® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

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