Visual Basic 5.0: Windows API and ActiveX teaches how to extend the functionality of Visual Basic programs by using the Windows API and by creating and using OCX ActiveX controls.

This course is for Windows software developers who are proficient in programming in Visual Basic.

7 hours

Product Code: VB5C04
After completing Visual Basic 5.0: Windows API and ActiveX the user should be able to:
Use an existing OCX ActiveX Control
Use Windows API functions from within a Visual Basic program
Implement an OCX ActiveX Control

Using OCX ActiveX Controls
Explains how you can use an existing OCX ActiveX control within a Visual Basic program.

Add properties to a control
Set default values for the properties of a control
Save and load persistent properties
Add an event to a control

Adding Multimedia Controls
Shows how to use OCX ActiveX multimedia controls within a Visual Basic program.

Specify a sound device type
Specify where the program can find a sound file
Specify positions within a sound file
Add graphic animations to your program

Enhancing the MyUSAMap Program
Shows how to add additional controls and code to Visual Basic programs using OCX ActiveX controls.

Use Label controls to display information
Write code that lets you display data according to mouse location
Attach menus to a program

Using Windows API
Teaches how to use Windows API functions within a Visual Basic program.

Understand the use of API functions
Declare API functions
Incorporate API functions into your Visual Basic programs
Use the API Viewer to copy declarations of Windows API functions

Building Your Own OCX ActiveX Controls
Teaches how to create a basic OCX ActiveX control.

Create an OCX ActiveX project
Design a basic OCX ActiveX control
Create an OCX file

Testing OCX ActiveX Controls
Shows how to test an OCX ActiveX control by placing it in a form.

Create the TestActX program
Place the OCX ActiveX control on the test program
Execute the TestActX program
Load two projects simultaneously
Create a project group

Adding Procedures to OCX ActiveX Controls
Shows how to add a new procedure within a Visual Basic program and how to attach code to it.

Add procedures to an ActiveX control
Create a procedure to resize the MyActX OCX ActiveX control

Adding Properties to OCX ActiveX Controls
Shows how to add properties and events to an OCX ActiveX control within a Visual Basic program.

Add properties to a control
Set default values for the properties of a control
Save and load persistent properties
Add an event to a control
This course is distributed with
Exercises that allow users to practice in Visual Basic
A file containing the text of the exercises
sample Visual Basic project and form files
sample Visual Basic executable programs
A Visual Basic glossary


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